Wit Send

One of my least favorite parts about being a programmer is that I don't often get to see reactions to my work. The majority of my stuff is shared online, so I don't get to hear people laugh or see the looks on people's faces when they look at something I've made. This project attempts to change that. I've been wanting to make a game like this (heavily inspired by Jackbox Games), and somehow I worked up the energy to go ahead and do it.
The game consists of three parts: In the first section, players are presented with a list of words, which can be clicked on to form a Shakespearian-style insult. In the second part, the narrator claims to have mixed up the insults, and players get to combine insult "fragments" to make new, even better insults. At the end of the game, players get to rank the insults, and a winner is announced. While the game can be played over the Internet, it's even better if all players are actually in the same room, listening to each other laugh.
Looking back at Wit Send's gameplay, the gameplay is definitely a bit flawed, so I don't think I'm going to release this game publicly, but I learned a lot making it and it gave me a topic for my college application essay.