
I'm an avid Wordle player. I play it every morning, and watched others play games based upon Wordle in different subject areas, everything from global trade, to prime numbers, to ornithology. I wanted to create my own version of Wordle, based upon something that I enjoy. I briefly considered doing something involving JavaScript keywords or HTML tags, but decided that those sets would be too small for an enjoyable game. I eventually settled on using hexadecimal colors, because there are a lot of them, and a lot of people who know how to use them. One of the key differences between Wordle and Chromle is the fact that the solution color is actually displayed at the top of the screen. I chose to add this feature as any combination of numbers and letters A-F is a valid hex color, whereas not every combination of letters is a valid word. I originally intended Chromle to be a small project mainly for myself, but after showing it to a few friends, who then got addicted to playing it alongside other Wordle games, I decided to polish it up and share it.