
Discard is a Discord bot that provides an interactive card game based upon funny moments on your Discord server. I created this with a group of friends in about eight hours for a local hackathon, Beantown Bash. The bot works by letting users turn messages into cards, assigning them a random value and a card type (controversial, intellectual, wholesome, random, or humorous) by making use of AI. Users can then battle against each other using their cards, with different card types having advantages and disadvantages over other types.

We ended up doing quite well, winning in one of the hackathon's three prize categories. I was pretty happy with the project, although quite tired and bogged with homework afterwards. I don't think we will be opening the bot up for public use or maintaining it at all, mainly because our credits for the AI will run out eventually, but it was definitely a neat experience competing in a larger hackathon.

Note: I do not appear in the video, I am operating the slideshow.